Dorset weekend field course

Very lucky with weather for the field course. Rain elsewhere, and both sides of the w/e but we mostly got sun, tempered with blustery wind. Attentions focussed  on the meadow at Colmers view and the big vista topped by Colmers hill. Insects seemed to have been clobbered by the weather, I only saw single meadow brown. There were decent numbers of grasshoppers but mostly staying near the ground and I think they were mainly the common ones, meadow and field.
The swallow nest under the gable end had five well grown,cream gaped babies. Magpies trying to get at them were seen off vigorously by the tireless adults.
Hobby, sparrowhawk and kestrel seen in passing. Down on the coast young peregrines were hassling the herring gulls.
Little bird song but I did think I heard a snatch of lesser whitethroat dry rattle from the garden.
The course was more art than nature I think. Using the (uncut) booklet approach again (as on the seabird cliffs), not an easy ride for the students but I was really pleased with the way they tackled it.

On Sunday we played a couple of rounds of David Measures ‘game’ which seems to explain so much about ways of filling sheets of paper (which is what we’re doing when sketching).
I didn’t get to taking photos or doing any sketching of my own, the tutoring fairly all consuming.