small skippers
 allotment bristol - wax crayon - c. A3

small skippers- allotment bristol – wax crayon – c. A3

More collection of detail. Small skippers one of the most obvious protagonists on the meadow at this time of year. Flashes of orange copper. Miniscule and tricky to get a feeling for their anatomy. One pair mating, clasped together for at least 3/4 of an hour….The orangey species are the most prominent butterflies at present… gatekeeper, more focussed on brambles but coming to bask in the meadow. Commas sunning on large surfaces like the leaves of courgettes. Large skippers seem to have had their day, only one or two now around. Meadow browns and gatekeepers are in small numbers. A few whites, large and small, no green-veined at the moment. Of the other vanessids I only see the occasional red admiral, no peacocks, tortoiseshells or painted ladies. The buddleia is all in flower but no takers in these parts.

 allotment bristol - wax crayon - c. A3

small skippers- allotment bristol – wax crayon – c. A3