blues, bees & sparrowhawk
red-tailed bumbles on knapweed, carders on trefoil - allotment bristol - gouache & wax crayon -  c. A3

red-tailed bumbles on knapweed, carders on trefoil – allotment bristol – gouache & wax crayon – c. A3

Enjoying plugging away at how to interpret themes just outside the back door. The main study theme for the day was common blue butterflies… I’m really gratified when they stick around… there is now masses of birdsfoot trefoil to keep them happy and i’d like to up the numbers. I really get bogged down drawing them though… getting hung up on detail. Think it may take a while before they can sit alongside the bees in a sketch. The blue on the sketch below hopelessly wrong and remember getting caught out by them this time last year.

 allotment bristol - gouache & ink pen -  c. A3

blues & hoverly- allotment bristol – gouache & ink pen – c. A3

2 fairly distinct hoverfly spp. that I’ve yet to look up.

 allotment bristol - gouache & wax crayon -  c. A3

– allotment bristol – gouache & wax crayon – c. A3

When I was having lunch a sparrowhawk made a lunge at the young great tits that have been creating a carousel effect on the bird table. Flashed in and then momentarily perched unstably on the washing line over my laundry. Sense of it seething/flaring and then off.

sparrowhawk on the washing line -

sparrowhawk on the washing line